"The Back Porch" Citronella Candle

"The Back Porch" Citronella Candle


The Back Porch, a bug-repelling citronella candle!

It’s getting close to that time of year again folks.

Mosquitos, no-see-ums, swamp angels, whatever you call em’s—we all hate them. Those buzzing biting buggers don’t stand a chance with these on your porch!

This is the perfect candle for outdoor entertainment when you do not want the scent of citronella competing for attention at your party but want the efficacy of a mosquito-repelling powerhouse.

This 16oz beauty is made with soy and candelilla wax (a safe plant alternative to beeswax) & finished off with a beautiful wood wick.

This Candle is scented with citronella essential oils.

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